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Afdah Free Stream Black Panther

Afdah Free Stream Black Panther





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Country: USA / Creator: Ryan Coogler / Sci-Fi / scores: 578039 Vote / 134Minutes / How in hell does this movie rate more than 3 stars?
Are people really getting that stupid?
The worst superhero film based on the Marvel Comics ever.
Cheese lame story with a no brainer script, sorry that I invested time and money into seeing it. The only reason we stayed and did not walk out in the middle of the movie, we were enjoying our free refill. An anti-immigrant film. Nationalists not wanting their poor neighbors in to their country (Wakanda. Fans the flame of a lot of hate.

This movie sucks. I think this film is a mockery of tribal people of Africa. They just keep vomiting the word technology like a Catholic priest. Finally, Marvel NAILED the villain. Instead of a good guy-bad guy relation like every other Marvel movie, in The Black Panther King T"Challa realizes his father was not the hero he always pictured him to be and actually learned something from the "villain...